The objective of the International Relations Office
▶ To develop and coordinate the international relations and activities of the EEU
▶ Support internationalisation of the EEU & international outreach & increase international visibility of the EEU
▶ Promote student and staff involvement in international activities
▶ Encourages < > feedback to the University management on international issues
▶ Developing international partnerships and agreements for the University
Key tasks of the Office include
▶ The implementation of the strategic plan on internationalisation;
▶ The initiation, preparation and evaluation of agreements with international partner universities;
▶ Promotion and support the organisation of the exchange programmes, which offers study abroad opportunities beyond the borders;
▶ The administration and promotion of staff and student mobility;
▶ The administration and promotion of the erasmus + programme;
▶ Developing projects with the target countries;
▶ Promoting research careers and facilitate the mobility of researchers across borders;
▶ Support popularization of the EEU among international students & international candidates;
▶ International visits;
▶ Alumni relations;
Free advice and guidance to your questions & Informing tudents and staff on:
▶ Bilateral Cooperation
▶ Exchange programs
▶ Double Degree programs
▶ Erasmus+
▶ Other international opportunities
General inquires: international@eeu.edu.ge
Bilateral Cooperation: international@eeu.edu.ge
Exchange programs: international@eeu.edu.ge
IRD Staff
Tamar TabatadzeSpecialist of the IRD t.tabatadze@eeu.edu.ge Student application procedures