EEU is a higher education institution focused on achieving sustainable success, where quality means proper planning and implementation of targeted actions and processes to achieve the best results!
EEU understands that factors affecting the success of the University are constantly emerging, evolving, increasing or decreasing, as a result of these changes, the university is focused on meeting the needs and expectations of students and other relevant stakeholders. Hence, the existence of the informed and meaningful quality assurance system has the significant importance.
Quality assurance processes at EEU are fully based on the PDCA cycle, ensuring the planning of processes in the institution in compliance with the interaction principle.
Using PDCA cycle approach, process-planning takes into account the resources required, establishes the process administration procedure, and identifies the capabilities that will ensure that processes are improved to achieve the best results.
At EEU, PDCA cycle is used both at the systemic level of management of the institution and to manage any processes and actions carried out at the university.