EEU is focused on working in a high-quality way, allocating time and resources appropriately focusing on the core responsibilities of each member of the university community, in particular, on teaching and research activities.
EEU university community’s each member shares the responsibility for implementing a quality assurance system. Hence, they do their best and perform their duties: under supervising, managing or implementing duties. University society members receive feedback by participating in surveys and development discussions.
Responsibility for the quality system corresponds to the responsibility defined for the management of the university: the deans of the faculty are responsible for the quality system of their faculty, and the heads of the departments / centers / departments are responsible for their own structural units. Each of them plays an important role in quality assurance.
The ability of the EEU to achieve sustainable success is enhanced by the introduction and dissemination of a quality culture at the individual and institutional levels. Every member of the community participates in the process, which creates all the prerequisites for high quality teaching, learning and research.
A quality culture is reflected in the high responsibility of staff and students for their work and learning. Staff and students work and collaborate in accordance with the values and goals of the university and adhere to a common quality policy. They also share good practice, participate in the continuous evaluation process, as well as in the formation of the institution development context within their competence, take care to improve the processes produced by their participation and are keen on innovations.
Quality Assurance Service is responsible for the consistent and effective implementation of the quality assurance system. Quality Assurance Service represents the governing body of the institution.