🟠The quality assurance system implemented at university is oriented to strengthen and develop accomplished results, bring institutional value and echoes university’s aspiration for sustained success.
📈Quality Assurance Office works intensively for timely and effective achievement of the goals defined by university’s strategy.
📊Significant attention is paid to the analysis of internal and external challenges university is facing, finding the best solutions for dealing with them and for transferring the challenges into the opportunities for development.
🟣The tendencies, changes and reforms in the higher education area, always bear the risks of the lack of understanding of the factors affecting university success, which constantly develop, increase or decrease and in line with these changes, university should always be focused on satisfying the needs and expectations of students and other relevant interested parties. This increases the role of the Quality Assurance Office in these processes and increasing the implementation rate of the recommendations based on the Quality Assurance mechanisms acquires important meaning.
🔵One of the most important parts of the quality assurance process is giving recommendations for development by the Quality Assurance based on the evaluations. However, the benefit of the Office’s activities are manifested not only in the recommendations given, but in their fulfillment. At this point, Quality Assurance Office positively assesses the implementation rate of the recommendations. Whilst, is still actively working to further increase it.
🟢Development of the electronic system for monitoring recommendation fulfillment is planned, as well as using effective tools for increasing awareness about the importance of feedback within the university society.