Focus on the student and other beneficiaries
The university strives to respond adequately to the needs and expectations of the students and other beneficiaries. This achievement is evidenced by the fact that their needs are met through the services offered by the university while their expectations are justified.
Relationship management
EEU pays particular attention to the effective relations with stakeholders in terms of attaining sustainable success. Only through a consistent interrelationship does the university see the achievement of goals and objectives, as well as the successful positioning in the educational space.
Decision-based evidences
Continuous improvement
EEU is focused on improving, generating progress evidence in order to attain sustainable success.
Process oriented approach
High rate of involvement
EEU supports participatory processes, where it is vital to ensure that all persons involved in the processes are competent, empowered and share common values.
Vision / Future Oriented Leadership
It is fundamentally essential to involve university students and other stakeholders in definition and implementation of the mission, vision, values and goals of the university, as well as their involvement in the determination of the context to achieve sustainable progress during defining the institution’s course.
Social responsibility
EEU has developed corporate social responsibility policy and ensures its implementation.
Availability and equality
The EEU is an inclusive, flexible, transparent and accountable institution that addresses individual and special needs and interests, while creating new opportunities to increase accessibility and promote equality.
Ethical behavior in academic space
Ethical conduct is the EEU’s ability to create an ethical professional environment: where all stakeholders work within the framework of fairness and good faith. A conflict of interest is avoided from the notion, whilst each member’s activities is relied on the university’s usefulness of the context.
Data security and protection
EEU recognizes national and international regulations to ensure data security and protection, creates proper environment in which all interested parties can confidently cooperate in controlling the use of their own data, whilst the EEU treats their data with due care and confidentiality.