With the financial support of The Embassy of the Republic of Poland to Tbilisi / NATO Contact Point Embassy, The Foreign Policy Council starts another edition of JAN KARSKI PROGRAM FOR YOUNG GEORGIAN LEADERS.
The general aim of our initiative is to raise the awareness on the Russian propaganda in Georgia through the involvement and participation of the most active social groups of local society.
Leading Georgian and European experts will give lectures and supervise working seminars about the peculiarities of the Kremlin disinformation campaigns, methods, and narratives.
We invite young Georgian leaders – BA/MA/PhD students, researchers, NGO representatives, mid-level public servants and university teachers (up to 35 years old) – to apply for our teaching program which will be implemented from 28.03.2022 to 16.05.2022.
Send your CV and a short motivation letter (up to 150 words) in English to foreignpolicycouncil@aol.com until 25.03.2022.
Lectures and seminars will be held in Georgian and English languages.
Participants of JAN KARSKI PROGRAM FOR YOUNG GEORGIAN LEADERS will receive certificates on the completion of the course.