East European University (Tbilisi, Georgia) together with International partner universities (Sorbonne University in France and Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany)organizes an International Student’s Scientific Conference on May 30, 2025.
Working language of the conference: English
Time limit: 20 min.
Meeting format: Hybrid (face-to-face and remote)
Location: East European University (Address: I. Enukidze Street № 6 Tbilisi, 0159 Georgia)
Students of all three levels (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) of all faculties of East European University and its international partner universities can participate in the conference.
Objectives of the conference:
- To promote active involvement of students in scientific activities and the generation of innovative ideas;
- Promoting the development of students’ research skills;
- Preparing qualified personnel in line with the labor market requirements at the East European University;
The conference covers all areas.
Noteworthy dates:
- The deadline for submitting an English-language application form (with an English Abstract) fulfilled in accordance with the requirements established by the Scientific Commission (see Appendix 1) is April 25, 2025, 18:00 Georgian time;
- The deadline for submitting an English-language presentation (PPP) is May 25, 2025, 18:00 Georgian time.
The abstract and presentation must be written in English and sent by the specified deadline to the following email address: t.gherkenashvili@eeu.edu.ge (indicate “International Students’ Scientific Conference 2025” in the subject line)
- The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee.
- The conference participants will be awarded with the certificates.
Note: Abstracts submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered!
If you have any additional questions, please contact the conference coordinator Tatia Gherkenashvili.
Good luck!