Members of the International Consortium:
- University of Finance and Administration (Prague, Czechia);
- East European University / EEU (Tbilisi, Georgia);
- Georgian Small & Medium Enterprises Association/ GSMEA (Tbilisi, Georgia);
- University of Zilina / UNIZA (Zilina, Slovakia);
- University of Lodz, Technology Transfer Center (Lodz, Poland);
- Budapest Enterprise Agency -BEA (Budapest, Hungary).
The project aims at solving the problems faced by small and medium-sized businesses through an innovative approach developed by the Multifunctional Center for Applied Research of East European University, utilizing an interactive portal and an integrated global information network.
The project is also focused on creating effective conditions for close partnerships among business and academia.
The results obtained through the project will support increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses in Georgia and Visegrad countries, promote employment, strengthen international partnerships, increase the level of integration of research and teaching processes in universities, raise additional funds for research activities in universities and prepare highly qualified specialists through the wide engagement of students in the project.