- LoT of Drones: GPS-Less Navigation (with scholarship);
- Baxter Robot Revival by Deep Learning Application (with scholarship);
- Smart Solutions for Architects: Wooden Architecture example;
- 3 Pillars of Sustainability;
- Global Leadership;
- Culture in Action. Time Capsule of Latvian Footprints and 161 years of Engineering Traditions
- Intensive English Summer Sessions
two of the summer schools received financial support from The State Education Development Agency, which means that students can receive scholarships by participating in appropriate summer school.
Additional benefits of RTU summer schools:
- RTU offers ECTS credits for the courses which can be transferred as a part of the studies;
- Great international experience, new friends, and contacts;
- Unique opportunity to get to know fellow students from all over the world, meet locals, and expand your worldview by getting to know a new culture;
- Improve English language proficiency, communication skills, and vocabulary.
For detailed information about the summer school courses, please visit the following website: