The Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being Scientific Research Centre is a research unit At the East European University.
- Promoting the introduction of a holistic approach to physical and mental health in educational organizations;
- Formation of a healthy learning environment in educational institutions;
- Formation of such an organizational culture at the levels of general and higher education, which ensures the full-fledged activity of the institution, the mental health and well-being of the persons involved in the educational process;
- Development of pedagogical innovations promoting the activities of educational institutions, mental health and well-being, which will allow each person involved in the educational process to fully reveal their academic potential;
- The functions and tasks of the scientific research Centre for physical, mental and social well-being will contribute to the implementation of the set goals as much as possible.
The Objectives of the Scientific Research Centre for physical, mental and social well-being will contribute to the implementation of the set goals as much as possible.
Objectives of the Centre
- Promoting the provision of a healthy and sustainable learning and working environment for students, staff and other interested parties;
- Increasing the profile of health and sustainability in the main activities of the university – study, research;
- Implementation of scientific research projects in cooperation with Georgian, European, American and Asian universities/scientific institutes;
- Working on and publishing scientific research works (manuals, magazines, scientific collections and others);
- Organization of scientific conferences, seminars, trainings, workshops, public lectures, educational events;
- Implementation of other functions and tasks depending on the goals of the Centre.
Contact details:
Phone number: +995 32 248 01 41 (102)