Koba Sakhechidze (Assistant Professor) 
Doctor of medicine;
Direction: General and Private Surgery, The Endocrine and Oncologic Surgery (EOS);
Founder of the Hyperhidrosis and Blushing Syndrome Treatment Center.
Koba Sekhchidze is a General Surgeon at Tbilisi Central Hospital, Founder and Head of the Hyperhidrosis and Blushing Syndrome Treatment Center, Surgeon at the Georgian-Israeli Joint Clinic “Gidmedi”, Member of the Georgian Association for Endoscopic Surgeons, Member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) and the following organizations: ESMO – European Society for Medical Oncology, International Neural Monitoring Study Group (INMSG), American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHS), The European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), The European Hernia Society (EHS-GREPA).
He has a multi-year outstanding experience of pedagogical and professional activity. Through years he has served as the medical director of the medical center “Lanceti”, the head of the “New Surgical Clinic” of the Chachava Clinic, as well as the head of the surgical service of the clinic “Hera 2011”. Aversi Clinic Surgeon, Member of the Editorial Board of Kutaisi Medical Institute Medical Magazine, Head of the Institute of Urgent and Reconstructive Surgery named after V.K. Gusak of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Researcher and Surgeon.
Mr. Sakhechidze has been engaged in pedagogical activities at various higher education institutions of Georgia through different years.
Koba Sekhchidze is active towards scientific research work. He is the author of one monograph and numerous international publications, participant and speaker at conferences and lectures, has undergone professional development courses in oncology and endocrinology surgery and clinical residency in different years.